
The Weight of Expectations: Lebanon’s Uphill Struggle for Reform
Reformers must be realistic about what the new government can achieve while setting the groundwork for 2026 elections

Chained by Aid: Washington’s Tariff on Lebanon’s Pursuit of Justice
The US has long leveraged its super-power status to give Israel impunity from international accountability

Missing the Mark: Delayed Reconstruction Aid Harms Lebanon’s Homeless, not Hezbollah
International actors’ absence from the rebuilding effort leaves IDPs with nowhere to turn but the Party of God

Lebanon’s Path to Accountability and Justice Is Through Joining the ICC
The country must break the cycle of impunity and strengthen its sovereignty by ratifying the Rome Statute

Know This Series: Lebanon’s Agri-Food Sector: A Fragile Foundation Exposed
How the war impacted Lebanon’s food supply chain and how to fix it

Bye Bye General, Hello Mr. President: Lebanon’s Fait Accompli Head of State
Lebanon’s new president inherits a broken system; his actions will dictate whether he is a reformer or ‘just another general’

Know This Series: Justice or Obstruction? Lebanon’s Struggle with the Rome Statute

Plugged In, Left Out: Lebanon’s Digital Learning Trap
Tech solutions risk worsening inequities at public schools

2024 Year in Review: Reflections and Hopes for the Future

Know This Series: E-Wallets in Lebanon: Who’s Really Behind Them?

Lebanon’s Housing Crisis: From Emergency Response to Sustainable Solutions
How homes for the displaced can lay the foundation for a more affordable, equitable, and resilient housing system

Fields of Ruin: Lebanese Farmers’ Scorched Harvest
How the war impacted Lebanon’s food supply chain and how to fix it

Echoes of Assad: Will the New Syria Escape the Authoritarianism of the Old?
The authorities now controlling Damascus have been sending mixed signals about the future direction of Syria

The Hard Truth About Syria: No Clean Hands, No Easy Solutions
The Assad regime and global powers have broken Syria—only a new consensus can repair it

Rebel Roulette: Turkey’s Big Gamble on Syrian Opposition Offensive
Erdoğan turns the tables on Assad after years of frustration

Know This Series: Securing Lebanon: The Urgent Need for a Clear Vision Post-Ceasefire

A Generation in Limbo: Redefining Refugee Policy in Lebanon
As the tide of war subsides, Lebanon needs a rights-based solution to govern the Syrian refugee crisis

Know This Series: Lebanon’s Opportunity to Hold Israel Accountable—What’s Standing in the Way?

The Forever Victims: How Racist Israeli Hooligans Became Innocent Lambs
Far-right in both Israel and the Netherlands leverage Amsterdam football violence

Lebanon at a Crossroads: How Resolution 1701 and a New Deterrence Could Prevent a Long War
For a ceasefire to happen, Hezbollah, the US and Israel need to return to Resolution 1701

No Refuge: Amid War, Scapegoating of Syrians Continues in Lebanon
Lebanese politicians still blame their failures on marginalised refugees

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Lebanon’s War Crimes Case Against Israel
Assessing the Israeli army’s violations of international humanitarian law

Know This Series: The End of Resolution 1701 and Lebanon’s Path Forward

Bubbling Under the Bombs: Left Unchecked, Displacement Fears Risk Reopening Lebanon’s Civil War Wounds
Fear and government inaction are driving a displacement crisis that risks civil strife in Lebanon

Know This Series: Lebanon’s Twin Threats – A Crisis Within and a War Beyond?

Destined for Disaster: How Hubris Invaded South Lebanon
Alternatives to US, Israeli fool’s goal of severing Hezbollah from Lebanon

Israel’s War on Journalism: One Year After Issam Abdallah’s Killing, the Silence Must End
The international community’s indifference to this attack has only emboldens Israel’s campaign on media workers

Know This Series: A Strategic Plan for Lebanon’s Stability, Not Civil Strife

Profit or Protection: The Fallout of Lebanon’s Housing Crisis
Israel’s war has triggered a housing crisis that risks Lebanon’s social stability

Know This Series: Lebanon’s Existential Crisis and Urgent Steps for Survival

Conflict Response to Ongoing Israeli Assault: Safeguarding Citizens and State
Amid Israeli onslaught, Lebanese policymakers must unite against worst-case outcomes

Uncovering the Hidden Toll: Gaza’s True Casualty Numbers Exceed Estimates
Israel likely to be responsible for 200,000 fatalities once indirect deaths are counted

Beyond Bombs and Bullets: The Full Tally of Gaza’s Dead
Israel likely to be responsible for 200,000 fatalities once indirect deaths are counted

Postal Politics: The Battle for Lebanon’s Postal Contract
How the rivalry for LibanPost could decide the country’s financial future

Packaged for Greed: The Hidden Agendas Behind Lebanon’s Postal Sector Power Grab
How the rivalry for LibanPost could decide the country’s financial future

If the Far Right Comes to Power, France’s Syria Policy Could Be Threatened
Anxiety grows in Syrian circles as the National Rally may attain prime minister post

Unified Defense: Reforming the Lebanese Army Is the Only Way to Address Military Dualism
Calls to defund it will grow louder if the institutional bloat, accusations of graft and political infighting aren’t fixed

Power Struggles: Lebanon’s Summer Heat Exposes Energy Divide
The crisis-ridden ownership of energy in Lebanon has created an energy divide of haves and have-nots and a system reliant on imports

Wired for Change: Privatization vs. State Control in Lebanon’s Electricity and Telecoms Sectors
Reform of state-owned enterprises is both possible and necessary, starting with electricity and telecoms

EU Aid to Lebanon: Bribes for Bad Behavior
The manner in which Brussels has meted out €1billion to Lebanon smacks of opportunism and a reward for flouting reforms

Lebanon’s Largest Employer, the Army, is Well-Respected but Needs Reform
Calls to defund it will grow louder if the institutional bloat, accusations of graft and political infighting aren’t fixed

Israel’s Campaign Against UNRWA is a Threat to Regional Security
Israel’s bogus claims expose the danger of politicizing aid, potentially implicating donors

Power to the People: It’s Time for Renewable Energy to Transform Electricity in Lebanon
The persistent failure to meet the country’s energy needs exemplifies state corruption and mismanagement

Resistance Revived: BDS Movement Gains Momentum Amid Gaza Genocide
Solidarity with Palestine spreads despite attempts to silence activism

Adapt or Trapped: The Urgent Need for Climate Change Adaptation in Lebanon
Climate change could ruin Lebanon; adaptation must be central to any recovery plan.

Why is Lebanon Facing a Food Crisis?

Lebanon’s Last Chance for Deposit Recovery

Fighting Words: An Analysis of Hezbollah’s Narrative since the War on Gaza
How the Party of God’s narrative has evolved, and what it means.

We Made Every Living Thing from Water (2018)

Flatline to Pulse: Prioritising Reform and Recovery in Lebanon’s State-Owned Enterprises
Reforming Lebanon’s state-owned enterprises is key for national recovery.

Running from Disaster: A Roadmap for Rescuing Lebanon’s Telecoms and Electricity Sectors
Reform of state-owned enterprises is both possible and necessary, starting with electricity and telecoms.

Lebanese State-Owned Enterprises: Navigating Reform and Recovery
A roadmap for state-owned enterprises reform in Lebanon, emphasizing transparency, good governance, and rejecting the controversial ‘Sovereign Fund’ to steer towards economic stability.

Redeeming Lifesavings: The Progressive Deposit Recovery Plan
The Progressive Deposit Recovery Plan offers an opportunity for accountability and the redemption of the Lebanese people’s lifesavings.

Lebanon’s New Deposit Recovery Plan

Arab Diplomacy Unmasked: Behind the Veil of Unity on Gaza
Arab states’ public support for Gaza contrasts with their strategic ties with Israel, revealing a gap between rhetoric and realpolitik.

Rescuing What’s Lost: Progressive Deposit Recovery Plan
The Progressive Deposit Recovery Plan offers a lifeline for Lebanese depositors, aiming to recover and restore funds once deemed lost in the country’s financial turmoil.

Don’t Let It Burn: Lebanon’s Last Chance for a Progressive Deposit Recovery Plan
Reckless profiteering and the banking sector’s insolvency demand a bold deposit recovery plan to restore financial integrity in Lebanon.

Exchange Rate Mis-Regulation: A Nation Short-Changed

Independence Day: Time to End France’s Protection of Lebanon’s Elite
On the 80th anniversary of Lebanon’s independence, Paris must end its foreign policy of cultivating Lebanese political factionalism.

Pity the nation that enters into an unwinnable war
Lebanon cannot afford a war with no end game, and neither can the world.