Reformers must be realistic about what the new government can achieve while setting the groundwork for 2026 elections

Reformers must be realistic about what the new government can achieve while setting the groundwork for 2026 elections
The US has long leveraged its super-power status to give Israel impunity from international accountability
International actors’ absence from the rebuilding effort leaves IDPs with nowhere to turn but the Party of God
The country must break the cycle of impunity and strengthen its sovereignty by ratifying the Rome Statute
Lebanon’s new president inherits a broken system; his actions will dictate whether he is a reformer or ‘just another general’
The authorities now controlling Damascus have been sending mixed signals about the future direction of Syria
The Assad regime and global powers have broken Syria—only a new consensus can repair it
Erdoğan turns the tables on Assad after years of frustration
Far-right in both Israel and the Netherlands leverage Amsterdam football violence
For a ceasefire to happen, Hezbollah, the US and Israel need to return to Resolution 1701
Fear and government inaction are driving a displacement crisis that risks civil strife in Lebanon
Alternatives to US, Israeli fool’s goal of severing Hezbollah from Lebanon
The international community’s indifference to this attack has only emboldens Israel’s campaign on media workers
Amid Israeli onslaught, Lebanese policymakers must unite against worst-case outcomes
Israel likely to be responsible for 200,000 fatalities once indirect deaths are counted
Anxiety grows in Syrian circles as the National Rally may attain prime minister post
The crisis-ridden ownership of energy in Lebanon has created an energy divide of haves and have-nots and a system reliant on imports
The manner in which Brussels has meted out €1billion to Lebanon smacks of opportunism and a reward for flouting reforms
Calls to defund it will grow louder if the institutional bloat, accusations of graft and political infighting aren’t fixed
Israel’s bogus claims expose the danger of politicizing aid, potentially implicating donors
On the 80th anniversary of Lebanon’s independence, Paris must end its foreign policy of cultivating Lebanese political factionalism.
Lebanon cannot afford a war with no end game, and neither can the world.
Only coordinated US and EU sanctions may prevent Lebanese leaders from driving the country into the void.
Electricity crisis set to worsen as caretaker energy minister stifles long awaited reforms.
Lebanon’s cabinet violates constitution to protect banking elite.
Electricity timetables, roadcuts and the hourly exchange rate. This is information that Tripolitans – people living in Lebanon’s second-largest city of Tripoli – never thought they would have to rely on so dearly one day. Since the beginning of Lebanon’s financial collapse in 2019, considered by...
Ending the anonymity surrounding bank ownership and management is the first step towards accountability for Lebanon’s financial crisis.
Recent $150 million World Bank loan another step into the debt abyss without long-term food security strategy.
Lebanon amends banking secrecy law to appease the IMF but leaves loopholes to protect politico-banking elite.
Lebanon’s bank hold ups are the result of lawlessness created by banks, not desperate depositors.
The ongoing financial crisis is eroding the capacity for Lebanon’s most essential services to operate, risking new depths in the humanitarian crisis.
By kicking the can down the road on comprehensive reform, the 2022 budget is just another power grab by the establishment.
Accountability For The Beirut Blast Is A Necessary Step Towards Closing Lebanon’s Open Wounds
As a minority, opposition MPs must take a strategic approach to cement their legitimacy and start to make real change in the country.
Regardless of the election results, the progressive opposition movement needs to follow a clear set of economic principles to take to the people, and the IMF.
When Lebanon’s financial sector imploded, it was inevitable that the country’s elites would try to shunt those losses onto everyday Lebanese. Over several years, Lebanese bankers had gambled away their customers’ savings, leaving banks unable to meet their debts by October 2019 – if not earlier....
‘We really need solutions, because people can no longer pay for their generator bills’
The IMF has allocated Lebanon $1.135 billion in Special Drawing Rights.
The banking sector is responsible for the current crisis in Lebanon. Sanctioning its leaders can help effect a solution
Since Roman times, the tried and tested tools used by the ruling classes in order to appease the poorest have always been “panem et circenses,” or bread and circuses. And for the past three decades, Lebanon’s political circus has kept many a politician, pundit and plebeian much amused with a mix...
The blast that flattened a large section of Beirut just over two weeks ago ripped apart the lives and property of countless people. It also created a pivotal moment for the international aid system: Donors and agencies can choose to be complicit in a power structure that supports the ruling junta,...
Protect the poorest segments of the population from the dire consequences of the crisis
We must acknowledge our relative weakness on the international stage as we lower the drawbridge for the IMF