Municipalities’ can reshape development and service provision in lebanon, if freed to represent their communities.

Municipalities’ can reshape development and service provision in lebanon, if freed to represent their communities.
How politicians corrupted the civil service, and why now is the time for change.
The government’s inequitable revenue structures can no longer afford to keep burdening the poor while giving a free pass to those with the means to pay their share of taxes.
For most people there are only two certainties in life: death and taxes. In Lebanon the wealthy really only need to worry about the former. The state’s exceptionally weak tax and revenue structures mean the tax burden largely falls upon middle and lower classes – while the wealthy have a multitude of options to avoid paying taxes.
Lebanon’s bank hold ups are the result of lawlessness created by banks, not desperate depositors.
A complete rethink of Lebanon’s education sector could turn crisis into opportunity
Legal loopholes and self-interested gatekeepers will likely prevent justice from running its course
The border demarcation issue with Israel is hardly the only one that needs to be resolved. So far, there has been only limited exploration with limited evidence of hydrocarbon reserves. Energy firms may prove wary to invest in a volatile climate such as Lebanon’s, as state institutions are struggling to stay afloat. Meanwhile, the Ukraine war has reshuffled the geopolitical cards. Also, a mishandling of offshore hydrocarbons would produce an environmental disaster on a truly colossal scale.
An investigation by Badil reveals previously unknown details of Lebanon’s Eurobond default and how the banking sector manipulated it to facilitate billions of dollars in foreign transfers.